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Raleigh Automobile Collision Soft Tissue Injury Claim Attorney


For most people, an automobile accident does not result in broken bones, herniated discs, or other medical conditions that can be easily visualized on an MRI or X-ray. Most car accident claims involve whiplash-type injuries or so-called soft tissue injuries. These are neck and back sprains and strains typically caused by lower-speed collisions. The pain and limitations associated with these injuries are specific to you, but insurance adjusters take a “one size fits all” approach to settling the claims. If you have sustained a cervical, thoracic, or lumbar whiplash strain/sprain and are being presented with insulting offers by the at-fault driver’s automobile insurance company or otherwise want assistance presenting your claim, contact a soft tissue injury claim attorney at (919) 526-0450.

Treatments for soft tissue injuries include chiropractic treatment and physical therapy. The strains/sprains can be very painful and prevent you from doing your job. You may be a secretary and have difficulty sitting for hours or a sales clerk who cannot stand all day. This can result in medical expenses and lost wages, each recoverable damages. Fortunately, most soft tissue injuries will resolve relatively quickly, usually several weeks. Most whiplash injuries are not permanent.

Despite the pain and limitation associated with strains and sprains, many insurance adjusters will arbitrarily attempt to limit your recovery. They may argue that you were treated for too long, did not need treatment, or should not have missed work. For example, you may have incurred $4,000.00 of chiropractic bills for 6 weeks of treatment, only to have the adjuster say he’s only “allowing” $3,000.00 of bills because he believes the remainder is excessive. It is important to remember that insurance adjusters are not doctors, and their word is not the final say. If you don’t like what an adjuster says about your sprain/strain claim, you can retain a soft tissue injury claim attorney to represent your interests and, if need be, take your case to trial.

Soft Tissue Injury Claim Attorney

The North Carolina soft tissue injury attorneys of Maginnis Howard can assist you in recovering fair compensation for your injuries. Our personal injury attorneys in Charlotte, Fayetteville, and Raleigh have decades of experience fighting for clients across the Carolinas. Our firm offers a contingency fee arrangement to all victims of tractor-trailer collisions. This means that you pay no attorneys’ fees unless and until we make a recovery on your behalf.  Contact us today for a free consultation.