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High-impact motor vehicle collisions, manufacturing and industrial accidents, defective products, and medical mistakes can all lead to catastrophic amputations of your legs, arms, fingers, or toes. Along with a drastic change in quality of life, amputations can also cause tremendous financial damage. First, there is the cost of treatment, including surgery, physical therapy, and prosthetics. Even with health insurance, the co-pays and deductibles place incredible financial constraints on a family. Second, many amputations cause a complete inability to earn wages. An employed parent may have to consider welfare programs such as social security. The attorneys of Maginnis Howard are experienced in representing people with debilitating injuries and will work with you to recover total compensation for your amputation injury.

Amputation and dismemberment injuries most frequently occur in the workplace. In North Carolina, if you sustained an amputation injury as a result of a workplace incident, you will likely have a workers’ compensation claim against your employer. However, if someone else was also to blame for the incident, such as a sub-contractor, manufacturer of a piece of machinery, or grossly negligent fellow employee, you may also have a claim against that person or company. These “third-party” claims typically allow for more complete damages than are recoverable through the workers’ compensation system. This includes, for example, compensation for physical pain and the mental suffering caused by an amputation/dismemberment injury.

It is also not uncommon to see amputation and dismemberment injuries in pedestrian and motorcycle cases. Another common cause of amputations is an infection spreading after some other lesser injury. Whatever the cause, if you have sustained an amputation or dismemberment injury as a result of a third party’s negligence, you likely have a viable claim to pursue. However, it is critical to retain counsel as soon after the incident as possible so that the right investigators, engineers, and other experts can be put to work to determine as best as possible the cause of your injury. There are often multiple causes and persons or companies whose negligent conduct contributed to the incident.

Maginnis Howard offers free consultations to all amputation victims injured by the negligence of a third party. Because we know the limitations caused by amputation, we will travel to meet with you. We also offer a contingency fee arrangement. If you hire our firm to represent you, there will be no attorneys’ fees unless and until we recover on your behalf. Additionally, in any amputation case, we will advance all litigation costs, including the costs for expert witnesses and litigation. To set up a free consultation, visit our contact page. We have three conveniently located offices in Raleigh, Fayetteville, and Charlotte.

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