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Portfolio Recovery Associates settles TCPA Class Action for $18M


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Portfolio Recovery Associates recently settled a class action lawsuit for $18 million over alleged Telephone Consumer Protection Act (“TCPA”) violations. This ends a multi-district litigation case over allegations that the company made robocalls to consumers without their prior express consent.

Portfolio Recovery Associates Class Action

This class action settles four separate cases against Portfolio Recovery Associates for violations of the TCPA. If you believe you have a claim against or have received a letter from the Portfolio Recovery Associates settlement, contact the TCPA attorneys at Maginnis Howard for a free case evaluation. It is possible that you are entitled to a considerably larger settlement than what you might receive by being a member of the class action.

The TCPA settlement requires Portfolio Recovery Associates to pay $18 million to class members. This figure also includes approximately $5.4 million in attorneys’ fees, litigation costs, and additional awards to the Plaintiffs.

The settlement will also require Portfolio Recovery Associates to stop using its “Avaya Proactive Contact Dialer” to call consumers without prior consent. The telephone dialing system is an automatic dialer which enabled them to make rapid, uninterrupted telephone calls to consumers.

Attorneys estimate approximately 7.4 million Class Members of the Settlement Class are eligible to receive payouts. In this case, each class member who requests compensation under the settlement terms could only claim $1.70.

However, eligibility as a class member does not mean you have to accept the limited Class Settlement. Depending on the number of calls you received, it may be beneficial to “opt-out” of the class. In fact, consumers who received many calls should consider pursuing their rights individually. Maginnis Howard regularly helps individuals pursue their claims outside of the class settlement.

TCPA Violation Attorneys

The TCPA allows individuals to pursue damages companies call them without prior consent. Under the TCPA, consumers are eligible for a minimum of $500.00 and a maximum of $1,500.00 per call. If you have been harassed by a company, or received a letter alerting you to the existence of the class action lawsuit, contact Maginnis Howard to discuss your rights. You can reach our class action lawsuit attorneys at (919) 526-0450 or through our confidential contact page.

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