Automobile accident personal injuries can range from merely annoying to life changing. Between the costly medical bills, the inability to work, and the physical pain, personal injuries can really disrupt one’s life. That difficulty is compounded when a claimant has to navigate his or her way through the claims process with the at-fault driver’s automobile insurance company. The adjuster’s sole job is to limit the amount the insurance company will have to pay out. If you are frustrated with the process, call the Johnston County personal injury attorneys of Maginnis Howard. We offer free consultations are available to act as your advocate.
In order to determine fair compensation for auto accident personal injuries, a claimant must look to what damages he or she would be entitled were the claim to be submitted to a jury. The following are illustrative examples of the types of damages available in a personal injury negligence action:
(1) compensation for physical, mental, and emotional pain and suffering;
(2) compensation for temporary and/or permanent disability;
(3) medical and pharmaceutical expenses, including those for physicians, chiropractors, EMS, and mental health care practitioners;
(4) mileage reimbursement and other consequential damages;
(5) property damage;
(6) lost wages and/or loss of wage earning capacity; and
(7) punitive damages when the at-fault driver’s conduct was willful or wanton.
The law firm of Maginnis Law offers free consultations to all Johnston County personal injury claimants. Our automobile accident attorneys work closely with our clients to determine a reasonable estimate of their damages. We then aggressively pursue those damages from the at-fault party’s automobile insurance company, whether by settlement or litigation. We also represent personal injury claimants on a contingency basis so that our clients do not pay any attorneys’ fees until we make a financial recovery.
If you have been injured in a Johnston County car accident in or around Clayton, Smithfield, Benson, or Selma, contact the personal injury civil litigation attorneys of Maginnis Howard at (919) 526-0450. You may also send an email inquiry directly to one of our lawyers via our contact page.